Kristen’s Page

After my Dad died, I wanted to somehow continue the fight he had started against Mesothelioma. Since he was more of a runner than a golfer, I thought a road race in his memory might be nice.  It was actually my brother, Chris, who said, “I think a golf tournament will be easier and raise more money.”  Well, at least he was right about one thing.  It certainly has not been easy, but it has been an amazing experience and an honor to be able to help raise over $408,500 for the International Mesothelioma Program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in my Dad’s memory.  I know that this money goes directly to help the IMP and its amazing team continue the fight against this horrible disease.

I would like to thank all of our family, friends, the Lynn community, and the local businesses that have helped make the Stevan Downey Memorial Golf Tournament a success! Together we represent the kind of man Steve Downey was: a family man, a good friend and an active member of the community, both as a Lieutenant on the Lynn Police Department and as a loyal citizen supporting local businesses.

We could not do it without your support! Thank you! See you Friday, August 8, 2025 at Far Corner Golf Course for our 21st Annual Stevan Downey Memorial Golf Tournament.

Thank you,